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We ferment the wort at a stable temperature and once the fermentation is donethe wine is worked over lees for three months to extract its maximum expression.葡萄在穩定溫度下發酵。完成後,葡萄酒在沉澱物中再發酵三個月,以達最佳風味。
Two varieties of Grenache and appropriate pre-fermented maceration reflect the character of our town Navarra in a wine that is different.兩個品種的歌海娜適當地預先以浸漬法發酵,在酒中反映納瓦拉特別的風格。
We age the wine in American oak barrels with grapes from selected plots in middle mountain terrain for a period of 6 months.採摘自半山的葡萄在美國橡木桶陳釀至少六個月。